Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm So Excited...

and I just can't hide it! There is a small area by our front porch that has not really received much gardening attention due to my obsession with the hard rockin' Rock Wall garden. Oh I've put some things here and there, just to brighten it up, but put no real thought into it.

So now that the big garden is basically running on autopilot, I diverted my attention elsewhere. Thought I might spruce up the bushes a bit. Hmm, maybe a few things in front of the bushes. Then it hit me last night. I seriously hate the petunias I put in earlier this summer. Really. They suck. I'm sure they are gorgeous in your yard, I've seen them from the road, but in my garden, well, they just don't dig the clay soil. They're all gangly, half dead, just plain ugly.

So I ripped them out!!! Very liberating. Plus they only cost about 4 or 5 bucks to begin with, so I had little remorse. Good riddance. Well, I put them in pots, but now they look even more hideous, shriveled and pathetic gangly bastards. They may be heading to the compost pile if they're not careful...

Last night despite going to bed late, I could not sleep, had visions of garden planning running through my head (well, creating a formal garden in the middle of my watermelon farm in FarmTown could also be part of that). Regardless, I couldn't wait to get up this morning and get some new plants.

So bright and early this morning, Babygirl and I head to our favorite place to acquire cheap annuals, our local Sutherlands Lumber Yard. No go. All gone. Poo. Off to the Lowes of goodness. Not much selection in the annuals, just over-priced "designer" genetically engineered corporate creepy plants. I was about to head over to our local nursery, then realized how much I'd be spending for something we'll only enjoy for another couple of months and said screw that, lets go with perennials, which I'm a big fan of anyway.

So with that attitude adjustment, we perused the selection of reasonably priced perennials and came up with several fine offerings.

Lovely Ruby Red Tickseed (coreopsis). These were so full of bees! Yea!

Moonbeam Coreopsis...I couldn't resist all those tiny little flowers!

Royal Blue Speedwell...mine has no flowers on it yet, just lush, dense green foliage. So I'm not sure how it's going to work with the other two colors. If it doesn't, we'll move them somewhere else.

So now these lovelies (plus a sedum for the backyard) are hanging out by the porch, enjoying a nice rain shower. Can't plant today anyway, much prep needed! Have to till, put down landscape fabric (wish I had done that for the rock garden), maybe a little mulch.

I'm so excited!!! Woo-hoo!

All for now,


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