Monday, December 28, 2009

Damn I'm HOT!!!

And not in a good way!

So I've been sitting here at my computer as I am apt to do when I'm putting off laundry, and I realized that I am SWEATING! Now anyone who knows me is aware that I have the metabolism of a sloth and rarely break a sweat, even in the dog days of summer, and even then only if I'm performing some sort of hard physical labor in direct sunlight. So I thought there must have been some kind of heat wave in the house and got up to check the thermostat expecting it to read something like 85, but no. 71 degrees. I blame this entirely on my daughter.

See, I had the Little Nugget late in life, the ripe old age of 39. (Yeah I KNOW that's not old, but you tell that to my God-forsaken hormones!). I was standing in the middle of JCPenny's buying my Sweet Hubby Nugget a Valentines day present when I suddenly felt like I was burning up on fire! I was beet red! I thought "wow that's weird whats up with that?" Since me and the newly Hubby-d Nugget were working on expanding Team Nugget to three members, I had my suspicions. We'd only been married a couple of months, so it seemed kind of unlikely, but hey, miracles can happen. So I picked up a pee test at the store and told my sweet Nugget about the urinary celebration we were to have the next morning promptly upon waking. I was convinced of impending pregnancy as my body was acting STRANGELY.

There is a point here, and I'm getting to it, just be patient.

So the pee test of goodness commenced, and...nothing. NOT pregnant. Dude, I was bummed. Hubby Nugget was bummed. So on we went about our days at work. Except I had a huge commute and TONS of time to reflect upon the news. Being prone to thoughts of impending doom, I suspected that I had misread my hormones and was not pregnant, but in fact starting MENOPAUSE. Which made me sad because I surmised we were too old to have a kid, blah, blah, blah. That's just how my brain works, and why meds are awesome (I wasn't taking them at the time, rest assured). So the next day, struck by a nagging sense of curiosity, I decided to check out via the interwebs (both of them) the accuracy of those "super accurate" home pregnancy tests. And guess what. They're not that accurate and give FALSE NEGATIVES! Dude, I was simultaneously stoked and freaked out!

Since we had super-awesome health insurance at that time, it was cheaper for me to just go get tested at my doctor's office than buy the test again, which is what happened the following Tuesday, and the rest is history. And now we have the Sweet Little Nugget of Goodness! Voila!

So ok, this is not supposed to be a story of our pregnancy, but it is closely tied for me to the subject of Menopause, because after I had the Little One, I became keenly aware that I was no longer experiencing pregnancy-related hormone fluctuations, but that the pregnancy had in my opinion jump-started my hormones into peri-menopause gear. Damn.

So yeah, it's ALL my daughter's fault. I'm just sayin.

All for now,

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bloggedy Blog Blog

Wow, it's been quite some time since my last sorry! I guess I should take the time to recap.

Yes, I found my beloved raffia reindeer, I was not crazy after all. I had indeed purchased them and tucked them safely away, I was just wearing my blinders that day and would have seen them in the box if I had dug a little deeper. Sigh. And as of this moment, I have glued them back together numerous time thanks to the destructive talents of the Sweet Babygirl. The standing reindeer now has a broken leg after giving Tiny Tiny Teddybear several rowdy rides. I will be getting out the glue gun once again, just not till I get ready to put them away! I have to pick my battles.

I think the blizzard is approaching! It's starting to snow! Oh my! It would be really awesome if travel weren't involved in any of the festivities, both for Team Nugget and the fam. Eggnog with a little Cap'n Morgan sounds good right about now! Hot tea will have to do for now.

I think we're ready for the Fete de Noel, except we have one present outstanding (thanks USPS!), which bites. We're not doing much cooking, except for my Mom and Dad who are coming over for breakfast so they can witness the Little Nugget open Santa's bounty! That should be a hoot, pictures to come! I just made spiced pecans to take to Papa and Gigi's along with a fruit tray. Mmm...!

Just got a phone call from Hubby Nugget--he's coming home early! Let the Holidays begin!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone! Be safe and stay warm!!!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Delusions of Reindeer...

With all the Christmas decorations finally brought down from the attic and unpacked, I have to say...where the heck is all my stuff?

Last year at the end of the season, I had a huge haul of deeply discounted Holiday goodies that I ensconced in the Rubbermaid Tubs of Goodness for safe keeping until this year. I have so far resisted the urge to buy more decorations this year, confidently telling myself, oh you don't need anything this year, you got so much stuff last year we'll have plenty to decorate with!!!

I was so excited to get the ball rolling that I had to try REALLY hard to not start decorating after Halloween, but now it's time, and I just couldn't wait to see the look on the Little Nugget's face when I showed her the lovely raffia reindeer nestled under the Christmas tree. But Dude, where are they? Hubby Nugget assures me that there is nothing left in the attic, and I believe him, but this makes me wonder...did I imagine all these great decorative riches? Because my little pile of decorative items is rather paltry.

The problem could lie in the methodology used in deep discount end-of-the-season shopping itself. Grab it, throw it in the cart. No contemplating...contemplating is for people who lose out on sale items. You take the time to think, and someone else will grab it off the shelf quicker than you can say...hey I wanted that! If mildly interested, throw it in the cart. Once all the Clearance items have been perused, head over to the Store's price check station and THEN contemplate whether your booty is trash or treasure.

Yes, the reindeer made it to the cart, but I'm a little fuzzy past that point.

You may or may not recall, the entire holiday season for me last year was dampened by this horrible plague that would not vacate my body. So ravaged by a secondary ear infection, I could have very well thought that the reindeer made it to the cashier, when really I shoved it next to a pile of over-priced towels (ha-ha just kidding). Except I have proceeded through 2009 expecting this giant booty of Christmas decorations that awaited my liberation from their plastic cocoon, including the reindeer in question.

Sigh. Forgetting stuff sucks. I'm just sayin...

All for now,