Monday, December 7, 2009

Delusions of Reindeer...

With all the Christmas decorations finally brought down from the attic and unpacked, I have to say...where the heck is all my stuff?

Last year at the end of the season, I had a huge haul of deeply discounted Holiday goodies that I ensconced in the Rubbermaid Tubs of Goodness for safe keeping until this year. I have so far resisted the urge to buy more decorations this year, confidently telling myself, oh you don't need anything this year, you got so much stuff last year we'll have plenty to decorate with!!!

I was so excited to get the ball rolling that I had to try REALLY hard to not start decorating after Halloween, but now it's time, and I just couldn't wait to see the look on the Little Nugget's face when I showed her the lovely raffia reindeer nestled under the Christmas tree. But Dude, where are they? Hubby Nugget assures me that there is nothing left in the attic, and I believe him, but this makes me wonder...did I imagine all these great decorative riches? Because my little pile of decorative items is rather paltry.

The problem could lie in the methodology used in deep discount end-of-the-season shopping itself. Grab it, throw it in the cart. No contemplating...contemplating is for people who lose out on sale items. You take the time to think, and someone else will grab it off the shelf quicker than you can say...hey I wanted that! If mildly interested, throw it in the cart. Once all the Clearance items have been perused, head over to the Store's price check station and THEN contemplate whether your booty is trash or treasure.

Yes, the reindeer made it to the cart, but I'm a little fuzzy past that point.

You may or may not recall, the entire holiday season for me last year was dampened by this horrible plague that would not vacate my body. So ravaged by a secondary ear infection, I could have very well thought that the reindeer made it to the cashier, when really I shoved it next to a pile of over-priced towels (ha-ha just kidding). Except I have proceeded through 2009 expecting this giant booty of Christmas decorations that awaited my liberation from their plastic cocoon, including the reindeer in question.

Sigh. Forgetting stuff sucks. I'm just sayin...

All for now,

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