Monday, November 3, 2008

They might be giants...

but not so much this season. No, instead they are our lovable, dysfunctional foosball team, the Chiefs. It is a difficult thing being a Chiefs fan. It requires equal parts optimism and denial. Well, maybe more denial. But we swear, one of these days, we will be contenders again. Yes, it's a rebuilding year.

So Team Nugget went to the game yesterday, as we are apt to do, and while the players showed up for a couple of quarters, we sadly could not attain the victory we were so desperately seeking.

At least is wasn't a blowout. Because that would just be embarrassing.

So I present to you some lovely photos from a happier time, a game earlier in the season in which we battered the Broncos. Behold.

It was a nice sunny day, and being the giant dumbass that I am, I forgot the sunscreen. So by the end of the game, me and my nugget were cooked like lobsters. They were truly wicked sunburns. We went with two other couples, M&J and G&N, and wouldn't you know that NONE of us brought sunscreen. Team Nugget is a bit pastier than other Teams, so grabbing skin protection really should have been higher up on our to-do list. Oh well.

The breakfast of champions. Oh yeah, the green goo in the pouch is actually guacamole. It's much more appetizing than its packaging suggests.

M&J fired up the grill for burgers--yum!!!

We also forgot to bring the bottle opener as we were drinking fancy beer that day, so Hubby Nugget improvised with a pair of tongs!!!

Newlyweds G&N paused to say "cheese!" He-he!

Such a sweet picture of M&J!!!

A sea of red--our stadium is supposed to be the loudest in the league. I haven't been to other stadiums, but I'd have to agree that it's quite a sound when everyone gets fired up.
Go Chiefs!!!!!

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