She was soon joined by her cousin L, who was tooling around on the tractor. Monkey was pretending to be a speedbump:
Hopped up on carbs, all the kids finally joined in running the raceway around the tables and Little Nugget continued her quest to be the best speedbump ever:
GG holds her sweet 3-week old great-granddaughter, B. She is such a good baby! New parents T & N are so proud of their babygirl!!!
Hubby Nugget demonstrates why he is the best uncle/daddy in the world by showing the kids his mad skillz on the razor scooter. Also in this picture you can kind of get a better idea of what Papa and GG's house will look like when its finished. That's the kitchen/living room area that we dined in. It has a giant window at that end that overlooks the Missouri river--just beautiful!
More horsing around with cousin K!
After dark, we drove to the local Christmas light display in the park. Little Nugget was more receptive this time, much better than last year when she just fell asleep! It was pretty backed up, and traffic was moving like a drunk slug. The best part: When you get to the end, they give you a Cherry Mash Mini-Mash:
All for now,
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