Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Birthday Girl!!!

So the reason I have been such a slacker about posting lately is that we have been busy! You see, we had a party to prepare for, the celebration of our Little Nugget's 2nd birthday! I know we've only done two of these things, but seriously folks, we outdid ourselves this year. Remember the post awhile back where I discussed all the sweet playground stuff we got at deep discount prices? Well, my sweet, sweet, sweet Nugget finished building Nuggetworld, which we unveiled at Monkey's B-Day par-tay! The details are hard to see in a tiny pic, so feel free to click and super-size them!

He even made the flags that top the deck platform! How awesome is that!?

Here is the evil Elmo cake that I mentioned earlier. Little Nugget is crazy about Elmo, but who isn't! Since she was born so close to Halloween (she actually came home from the hospital on Halloween), her birthday parties have been Spooky-themed. But I couldn't resist Elmo. Much cuter than a Ghostie cake.

Friends and cousins joined Little Nugget in breaking in her new play area. It was a hit with the kids! Below she is swinging like a big girl with cousins A&M:

Cousin A hung from the monkey bars like a bat!!! She and M had on awesome costumes!

Originally the theme for the party was pumpkin decorating, but the pumpkins we planted died! So instead, the kids decorated pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies. I think they enjoyed it.

Gammy G helped the Little Nugget with her cookie, although she was more interested in eating the sprinkles.

We picked up some dry ice to make a spooky atmosphere. My gnome is looking especially frightening. His name is Gerome, but Monkey calls him Steve. I don't know why.

The spoonfuls of frosting were popular with the kiddies as evidenced by cousin G!

After we got the kids hopped up on sugar, we grilled hot dogs and brats. Nutrition at its best!!! Below, Babygirl shares a meal with friend K, and cousin K.

Man, we can throw a mean shindig for two year olds!!! Par-tay!
All for now,

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